I have implemented an interface:
class ISolution
virtual ~ISolution() = 0;
virtual void resultat() = 0;
and some derived classes from it:
class SolX : ISolution
int member;
MyClass myOb;
SolX(const MyClass& inOb) : myOb(inOb) {}
~SolX() {}
void resultat()
// the body
When I compile it I get errors like:
/proj/CSolution1.cpp:4: undefined reference to `ISolution::~ISolution()'
/proj/CSolution2.cpp:4: undefined reference to `ISolution::~ISolution()'
CMakeFiles/proj.dir/CSolution2.cpp.o:/proj/CSolution2.cpp:12: more undefined references to `ISolution::~ISolution()' follow
I am using CMake and Linux Ubuntu.
I cannot figure out what is the problem. Is there something that I have missed? Does myOb
create the problems?
P.S.: The line where is the error is at the definition of the constructor.
The problem is
virtual ~ISolution() = 0;
the destructor is not implemented. Try
virtual ~ISolution() { }
This is needed even when only instances of the derived class are created, because destructors are special. In a normal function, the base class implementation needs to be called explicitly, like
void Derived::Foo() {
but for a destructor, this is always done automatically.