When doing the firstcup-war tutorial for Java EE http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/firstcup/doc/web-application005.htm The error message is not shown because it cannot select the right html element. I have the following code:
<fc:inputDate id="userBirthday" date="#{dukesBDay.yourBD}" />
<h:outputText value=" #{bundle.Pattern}"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{bundle.Submit}" action="#{dukesBDay.processBirthday}"/>
<h:message for="userBirthday" style="color:red"/>
When looking at the source code in the browser I see that the name tag is actually "j_idt6:userBirthday:j_idt16
". So if I change the last line of the above posted code to:
<h:message for="j_idt6:userBirthday:j_idt16" style="color:red"/>
It works again. Why does Java EE append j_idt6
and j_idt16
at the beginning and end of the name tag. And Why is the code in the tutorial not working. What can I do to make it work, without having to check the source code, what the actual tag name looks like.
The final ID for the inputDate will be generated in the following format: formID:ComponentId:InternalComponentId
Your form has no ID, so that a unique id will be generated.
Your inputDate component has the ID "userBirthday".
Your internal inputText has no ID, so that a unique id will be generated.
But you can avoid this by defining IDs for each component.
<h:inputText id="inputDateId" value="#{cc.attrs.date}">
<h:form id="greetingFormId"> ... <fc:inputDate id="userBirthdayId" date="#{dukesBDay.yourBD}" /> ... <h:message for="greetingFormId:userBirthdayId:inputDateId" style="color:red"/>
Then you will get an error message like the following:
greetingFormId:userBirthdayId:inputDateId: '23.12.2001' konnte nicht als Datum interpretiert werden. Beispiel: 05/06/2014