I'm attempting to make a sort of AI that is going to gather information from my web server.
I have a Button that toggles the AI on and off and A couple of methods that pass around args to gather information. When the ai is powered on it passes an event system I made with an event called powerOn. Im trying to set a richtextbox to say hello or something like that but the text box isn't updated when its told to
Program Class with the main method:
namespace Universe_AI
public static class Program
public static Boolean aiRunning = false;
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application.Run(new Form1());
public static void writeMemory(string header, string value)
public static void readMemory()
public static void AiProccess(string pType, String[] pArgs)
if (pType == "event")
string pEvent = pArgs[0];
public static void aiEvent(string pEvent){
if (pEvent == "powerOn")
Form1 ele = new Form1();
ele.Mind.Text = "test";
ele.Mind.AppendText("Are you my Creator?");
Form1 Class
namespace Universe_AI
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Program.aiRunning == false)
Program.aiRunning = true;
label2.Text = "ON";
String[] eventArgs = new String[] {"powerOn"};
Program.AiProccess("event", eventArgs);
Program.aiRunning = false;
label2.Text = "OFF";
Mind.Text = "";
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Mind.Text = "test";
The richtextbox witch is called Mind is set to public and doesn't return errors. The test button updates it but when trying to access it from another class doesn't seam to work
This line:
Form1 ele = new Form1();
Creates a new form.. and everything under that is also new. That means you have a new, completely separate form with its own RichTextBox
sitting in memory. That is what you are appending text to.
What you need to do, is pass the instance of the form you're currently working with.. in. Read the comments here:
// Add the Form as an argument at the end ---------------> ___here___
public static void AiProccess(string pType, String[] pArgs, Form1 form)
if (pType == "event")
string pEvent = pArgs[0];
aiEvent(pEvent, form); // pass it in
public static void aiEvent(string pEvent, Form1 form){
if (pEvent == "powerOn")
// use the "form" variable here
form.Mind.Text = "test";
form.Mind.AppendText("Are you my Creator?");
Read the comments in the code. You can then pass the current instance in like this:
String[] eventArgs = new String[] {"powerOn"};
Program.AiProccess("event", eventArgs, this); // <---- pass "this"