Am trying to call a function called "set" using COM interface am getting the exception
Exception in thread "main" Can't map name to dispid: set
eventhough when I try to call the function in matlab, it's working okey...
this is the function am using
public void setAttribute(String attribute, int value) {
Variant[] vars = new Variant[3];
vars[0] = new Variant("AttValue");
vars[1] = new Variant(attribute);
vars[2] = new Variant(value);
signalGroup.invoke("set", vars);
public void setIndexedAttribute(String attribute, Variant value) {
Variant[] indecies = new Variant[1];
indecies[0] = new Variant(attribute);
setProperty(signalGroup, "AttValue", indecies, value);
public void setProperty(Dispatch activex, String attributeName, Variant[] indecies,
Variant value) {
Variant[] variants = new Variant[indecies.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < indecies.length; i++) {
variants[i] = indecies[i];
variants[variants.length - 1] = value;
Dispatch.invoke(activex, attributeName, Dispatch.Put, variants,new int[variants.length]);
example to use it....
sg_1.setIndexedAttribute("State", new Variant(10));