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Compound columns evaluation in DynamicJasper

I use JRXML template and dynamic input parameters as inputs to generate advanced JRXML. Later this JRXML is taken and handled by JasperServer. The main idea is to let user pick any columns he wants and customize them.

DynamicJasper provides good API for building custom columns but I faced an issue with compound columns.

For example a user wants his column 'A' would calculated as:



$F{QUANTITY} == null ?0:$F{QUANTITY}.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)

so after proceed the output JRXML would have records under its details/band tag like this:

<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
    <reportElement key="DK_Instrument" x="0" y="0" width="184" height="12">
    <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{INSTRUMENT} + " (" + $F{SECURITY_IDENTIFIER} + ")"]]></textFieldExpression>
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
    <reportElement key="DK_Quantity" x="220" y="0" width="56" height="12">
    <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{QUANTITY} == null ?0:$F{QUANTITY}.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)]]></textFieldExpression>

An AbstractColumn in DynamicJasper has this methods:

setColumnProperty(fieldName, className)

but non of them works for me.

When DynamicJasper generates JasperReport it tries to match those string to the existing fields and at this point fails since the strings contain compound items.

Any ideas/suggestion would be great.


  • Solved by implementing CustomColumn

    public class DynamicColumn extends AbstractColumn {
        public String getTextForExpression() {
            return getColumnProperty().getProperty();
        public String getValueClassNameForExpression() {
            return getColumnProperty().getValueClassName();

    The problem was that all existing implementations of AbstractColumn assume a single parameter passed to the column property and it covers the parameter with $F{...}. By overriding textForExpression the property successfully goes to the output JRXML.