We have a problem with COM Connection point callback interfaces
In our Sample.idl we have few call-back interfaces ISomeEvents
interface ISomeEvents : IUnknown
HRESULT Event1([in]int nData);
HRESULT Event2([in]int nData);
HRESULT Event3([in]int nData);
And in the CoClass we have the following statement
coclass MyComp
[default] interface IMyInterface;
interface IMyInterFace2;
[default, source] interface ISomeEvents;
Now whenever we add new interfaces as part of enhancement,this does not break the existing client, but if the enhancement has Any modifications to call-back then we endup updating the interface ISomeEvents, which is breaking existing clients, we are forced to do this because I think we can Have only one [defaut,source] Interface.
Can anyone tell me What is the workaround for this?
Regards tom
If you are developing a COM object where the client(s) are live/in production, you really shouldn't change an existing interface, any interface. That has always been the fundamental rule of COM development: "interfaces are immutable"; exceptions are made during early development, of course.
(Here's a quote for example: "COM interfaces are immutable. You cannot define a new version of an old interface and give it the same identifier." (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms688484(v=vs.85).aspx). Look up "interfaces are immutable" on the web for plenty more)
In this case, you should create new interfaces ISomeEvents2
, ISomeEvents3
, so on as needed, and have those interfaces inherit from the previous version. Make the new interface your new default source.
interface ISomeEvents1 : ISomeEvents
/* new enhanced events here, for use by newly compiled clients */
Eventually, if you need more changes:
interface ISomeEvents2 : ISomeEvents1
/* Even newer enhanced events here, for even newer clients */
And so on.