Java application writes events to a log file, including a timestamp (as returned from Date.toString()), which in turn includes the time zone. On the Windows machines I use, I see the string returned by Date.toString() having the time zone represented as a three-character string (e.g. "CST"). But on some customer machines, the dates are being written to the log file with the time zone represented as an offset from GMT (e.g. "GMT-06:00").
We have a tool that parses the text of log files for various pieces of information, but unfortunately, its original implementation assumed the three-character representation and won't work on those log files that have the GMT-offset representation. We've fixed the tool to be indifferent to that now, but we'd like to be able to advise customers who are running an old version and are having this problem due to their strings having GMT-offset time zones, that they can get the tool to start working if they change their system settings so that their logs files are written with three-character string time zone strings going forward. Additionally, we'd like to account for this variability in our future test plans, ensuring that we test things using each setting. But I haven't been able to determine just what in Windows setting tells Java to use "CST" vs. use "GMT-06:00".
I see a couple of time-zone related registry settings, but nothing that I can clearly identify as controlling that particular choice. Some of the registry settings refer to tzres.dll. Is the choice baked into that? Is there any simple way on Windows to get Date.toString() to formulate its string using one time zone representation vs. using the other?
I don't know the exact cause of this difference in behavior, but I can guess. A time zone is an offset from UTC and history & info about anomalies for that particular are such as Daylight Saving Time. Some machines (or the JVM default) may be set to only an offset rather than a specific named time zone.
The java.util.Date class is notoriously troublesome in general, and should be avoided. Specifically, the toString
is terrible in two ways. (A) The format it uses to generate the string is bad, as you have discovered. (B) the JVM's default time zone is applied. That application causes confusion as it implies a Date has a time zone when in fact it does not. This method should only be used temporarily for quick-and-dirty purposes, never for logging.
Use a decent date-time library. That means either Joda-Time or the new java.time package in Java 8. Both use the sensible and useful ISO 8601 format by default.
Generally best practice is to do your logging in UTC time zone (no offset).
Example: 2014-05-04T10:36:34Z
To generate such a value in Joda-Time:
String output = new DateTime( DateTimeZone.UTC ).toString();
If your question is, "How do I change the time zone used by a JVM running an app I cannot alter?", one solution is setting the JVM's time zone by passing an argument when launching the JVM. See this question.