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jQuery is not defined in amplify.js package of Meteor

In completely new Meteor project with just amplify.js package added, tehre is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined amplify.js:830

Any guesses what's wrong?


  • If I had to guess, I’d bet that jQuery is not defined in amplify.js on line 830.

    Amplify.js is only used client-side, so you don’t need to use this apparently poorly-created package. Just create a folder in your project client/lib/amplify/ and drop amplify.min.js in there. It will automatically get loaded and served client-side. It will also automatically be loaded after jQuery (which is loaded by Meteor core) and therefore jQuery will be defined on line 830.

    Be warned though that a lot of the features that Amplify adds are duplicative of Meteor’s core functionality.