I'm testing this web server, but i got stuck with a little problem.
The thing is that when I use a library framework like ExtJS 4.2.1, in the ext-all-dev.js file there are some regexp that the compressor(It's gzip, right?) doesn't compress properly, for example, in the lines:
9906 history = [],
9907 slashDotSlashRe = /\/\.\//g,
9908 dotRe = /\./g,
the compressor does this:
3618 history=[],
3619 slashDotSlashRe=/\/\.\dotRe=/\./g,
Is it maybe a bug of G-WAN? Do you guys have any solution?
By the way, when I use gzip with nginx, it doesn't give me any problem.
Thanks for the help ^^.
It looks like a javascript minification error rather than gzip? In daemon mode (gwan -d
), G-WAN minifies javascript and html on the fly, but this feature is known to be buggy in the latest public release. You probably can contact Pierre for a newer non-public version of G-WAN.
In the mean time, you can test your code by running G-WAN without -d