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Why does my Freeglut App comes up with XQuartz/X11?

I wrote a little Glut/OpenGL Application with Eclipse on a Mac. If I compile it with glut lib, the app window opens by itself. If I compile the app with freeglut lib, it opens XQuartz/X11 and starts in a window within XQuartz/X11.

Why does freeglut use XQuartz/X11 and how could I force the app to open a window by itself with freeglut and not in XQuartz/X11?

EDIT: I don't like XQuartz because it seems to cut the FPS of my app to 60 FPS. With glut and without XQuartz/freeglut it runs with up to 700 FPS. (Very simple animation)

Some more information:


Does this environment variable influence the choice of freeglut to use XQuartz? If yes, how could I change it to which value?


  • Switched to GLFW 3 framework. Seems to be the best (more modern) alternative framework than glut/freeglut. Now all works fine.