Actually when writting this question, another question a shorter one came to my mind so i will ask it first:
1st Question (Shorter):
I have a header with struct defined in this manner:
typedef struct _CAMERA_LIST
What is the meaning of this syntax? (note the difference in the struct name and the names after closing brace)
2nd Question (Longer):
I have a code example from hardware manufacturer showing how to properly initialize the hardware that Im using. In the code manufacturer uses raw pointers and in my application i would prefer to use boost scoped_ptr or shared_ptr. The problem is that memory block that i want to allocate is different size than that allocated by regular new ObjectType;
Here is the short version of what i got from the manufacturer's site:
int nNumCam = 3;
pucl = (CAMERA_LIST*) new BYTE [sizeof (DWORD) + nNumCam * sizeof (CAMERA_INFO)];
pucl->dwCount = nNumCam;
printf("Camera %i Id: %d", iCamera, pucl->uci[1].dwCameraID);
And here is what i want to get:
int nNumCam = 3;
scoped_ptr<CAMERA_LIST> pucl;
pucl.reset( (CAMERA_LIST*) new BYTE [sizeof (DWORD) + nNumCam * sizeof (CAMERA_INFO)] );
pucl->dwCount = nNumCam;
printf("Camera %i Id: %d", iCamera, pucl->uci[1].dwCameraID);
Here is how the struct looks like exactly:
typedef struct _CAMERA_LIST
DWORD dwCount;
The question is: How do I get this functionality to work with scoped_ptr/shared_ptr? Also note that in the code snippet the deletion of the memory block is done via delete[] not delete. Do i need to use scoped_array? If so how do access struct fields?
there is a complete example from manufacturers site in case anyone finds it helpful:
INT nNumCam;
if( is_GetNumberOfCameras( &nNumCam ) == IS_SUCCESS) {
if( nNumCam >= 1 ) {
// Create new list with suitable size
pucl = (CAMERA_LIST*) new BYTE [sizeof (DWORD) + nNumCam * sizeof (CAMERA_INFO)];
pucl->dwCount = nNumCam;
//Retrieve camera info
if (is_GetCameraList(pucl) == IS_SUCCESS) {
int iCamera;
for (iCamera = 0; iCamera < (int)pucl->dwCount; iCamera++) {
//Test output of camera info on the screen
printf("Camera %i Id: %d", iCamera,
delete [] pucl;
This is a job for a custom deleter.
struct delete_bytearr {
void operator() ( void * ptr ) const
{ delete [] (BYTE *) ptr; }
(and std::shared_ptr
) accept a deleter object as a second constructor argument, but scoped_ptr
does not. Its descendent std::unique_ptr
does accept a custom deleter, and you should probably prefer the standard facilities moving forward.