I'm writing a config file and I need to define if the process expects a windows format file or a unix format file. I've got a copy of the expected file - is there a way I can check if it uses \n or \r\n without exiting emacs?
If it says (DOS) on the modeline when you open the file on Unix, the line endings are Windows-style. If it says (Unix) when you open the file on Windows, the line endings are Unix-style.
From the Emacs 22.2 manual (Node: Mode Line):
If the buffer's file uses carriage-return linefeed, the colon changes to either a backslash ('\') or '(DOS)', depending on the operating system. If the file uses just carriage-return, the colon indicator changes to either a forward slash ('/') or '(Mac)'. On some systems, Emacs displays '(Unix)' instead of the colon for files that use newline as the line separator.
Here's a function that – I think – shows how to check from elisp what Emacs has determined to be the type of line endings. If it looks inordinately complicated, perhaps it is.
(defun describe-eol ()
(let ((eol-type (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system)))
(when (vectorp eol-type)
(setq eol-type (coding-system-eol-type (aref eol-type 0))))
(message "Line endings are of type: %s"
(case eol-type
(0 "Unix") (1 "DOS") (2 "Mac") (t "Unknown")))))