I'm looking for some assistance, please to debug my test
function so that the yellow vertical line looks exactly the same as the red line. I have decided to exclude highlighting tabs because they are two (2) characters wide and it makes the vertical line like distorted. In my attempt to exclude tabs
, however, I lose highlighting of any text to the immediate right. My attempts at fixing this breaks the functionality of the blue and/or red lines.
In a nutshell, the blue and red lines are working as desired, but the yellow line is broken (to the immediate right of a tab) -- the yellow line should look just like the red line.
The problem with my test
function lies in the following code snippet:
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)
(< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\t"))))
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)
(> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\t")))))
The following functions were used to create the image of buffer depicted in the screenshot below:
(defun test ()
(let* (my-last-column
my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a (my-col-a 3)
my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b (my-col-b 28)
my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c (my-col-c 29) )
(goto-char (point-max))
(while (re-search-backward "\n" (point-min) t)
(setq my-last-column (current-column))
(setq my-o-beg-a (progn (move-to-column my-col-a) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-a (+ 1 my-o-beg-a))
(setq my-o-beg-b (progn (move-to-column my-col-b) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-b (+ 1 my-o-beg-b))
(setq my-o-beg-c (progn (move-to-column my-col-c) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-c (+ 1 my-o-beg-c))
(when (and
(< my-col-a my-last-column)
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-a)
(< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\t"))))
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-a)
(> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\t")))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a) 'face '(
(background-color . "cyan")
(foreground-color . "black") )))
(when (and
(< my-col-b my-last-column)
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)
(< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\t"))))
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)
(> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\t")))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b) 'face '(
(background-color . "yellow")
(foreground-color . "black") )))
(when (and
(< my-col-b my-last-column)
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-c)
(< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\t"))))
(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-c)
(> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\t")))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c) 'face '(
(background-color . "red")
(foreground-color . "black") ))) )))
(defun generate-test-buffer ()
(if (get-buffer "foo.el")
(with-current-buffer "foo.el"
(get-buffer-create "foo.el"))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer "foo.el"))
(setq whitespace-style '(face space-mark tab-mark newline-mark) )
(setq indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq tab-stop-list (number-sequence 4 200 4))
(setq tab-width 4)
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab)
(whitespace-mode t)
(insert ";;;;")
(insert-tabs 1)
(insert "(defun test ()\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 1)
(insert "(interactive)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 2)
(insert "(let* (my-last-column\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a (my-col-a 1)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b (my-col-b 11)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c (my-col-c 16) )\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 3)
(insert "(generate-test-buffer)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 3)
(insert "(goto-char (point-max))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 3)
(insert "(while (re-search-backward \"\\n\" (point-min) t)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-last-column (current-column))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-beg-a (progn (move-to-column my-col-a) (point)))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-end-a (+ 1 my-o-beg-a))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-beg-b (progn (move-to-column my-col-b) (point)))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-end-b (+ 1 my-o-beg-b))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-beg-c (progn (move-to-column my-col-c) (point)))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(setq my-o-end-c (+ 1 my-o-beg-c))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(when (and\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(< my-col-a my-last-column)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-a)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(< 0 (skip-chars-forward \"\t\"))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-a)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(> 0 (skip-chars-backward \"\t\")))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 5)
(insert "(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a) 'face '(\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(background-color . \"cyan\")\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(foreground-color . \"black\") )))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(when (and\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(< my-col-b my-last-column)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(< 0 (skip-chars-forward \"\t\"))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-b)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(> 0 (skip-chars-backward \"\t\")))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 5)
(insert "(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b) 'face '(\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(background-color . \"yellow\")\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(foreground-color . \"black\") )))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 4)
(insert "(when (and\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(< my-col-b my-last-column)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-c)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(< 0 (skip-chars-forward \"\t\"))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(not (save-excursion (move-to-column my-col-c)\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 7)
(insert "(> 0 (skip-chars-backward \"\t\")))))\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 5)
(insert "(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c) 'face '(\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(background-color . \"red\")\n;;;;")
(insert-tabs 6)
(insert "(foreground-color . \"black\") ))) )))\n" ))
(defun insert-tabs (n)
;; http://stackoverflow.com/a/11830118/2112489
"Inserts N number of tabs"
(interactive "nNumber of tabs: ")
(dotimes (i n)
(source: lawlist.com)
May 3, 2014: Initial answer -- apparent working solution.
A tab has a character code of 9
The width of a tab is equal to only one (1) point
A tab can be equal to one or more columns wide, depending upon the tab-width
When dealing with tabs, determining the type of character that follows a particular column
is problematic because . . . [to be filled in when I understand more].
When dealing with tabs, moving forward one (1) point
and looking back is also problematic because . . . [to be filled in when I understand more].
The working solution is to move one (1) column
ahead and check the preceding character code -- if it is still a character code of 9
, then do not place an overlay (at that preceding column). If the target column was already on a non-tab character, then moving forward one (1) column
and looking back should logically yield the proper result.
(defun test ()
(let* (my-last-column
my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a (my-col-a 3)
my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b (my-col-b 28)
my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c (my-col-c 29) )
(goto-char (point-max))
(while (re-search-backward "\n" (point-min) t)
(setq my-last-column (current-column))
(setq my-o-beg-a (progn (move-to-column my-col-a) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-a (+ 1 my-o-beg-a))
(setq my-o-beg-b (progn (move-to-column my-col-b) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-b (+ 1 my-o-beg-b))
(setq my-o-beg-c (progn (move-to-column my-col-c) (point)))
(setq my-o-end-c (+ 1 my-o-beg-c))
(when (and
(< my-col-a my-last-column)
(not (progn (move-to-column (+ 1 my-col-a)) (eq (preceding-char) 9))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-a my-o-end-a) 'face '(
(background-color . "cyan")
(foreground-color . "black") )))
(when (and
(< my-col-b my-last-column)
(not (progn (move-to-column (+ 1 my-col-b)) (eq (preceding-char) 9))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-b my-o-end-b) 'face '(
(background-color . "yellow")
(foreground-color . "black") )))
(when (and
(< my-col-b my-last-column)
(not (progn (move-to-column (+ 1 my-col-c)) (eq (preceding-char) 9))))
(overlay-put (make-overlay my-o-beg-c my-o-end-c) 'face '(
(background-color . "red")
(foreground-color . "black") ))) )))