Is there a special method that when I call any class's method, it will be invoked?
Below there's an example that explains my problem:
class Foo{
public function bar(){
echo 'foo::bar';
public function before(){
echo 'before any methods';
public function after(){
echo 'after any methods';
$foo = new Foo;
The output should be:
before any methods
after any methods
personally i don´t like this solution, but you are able to use the magic method __call:
* @method bar
class Foo{
public function __call($name, $arguments)
$myfunc = '_'.$name;
if (method_exists($this,$myfunc)) {
public function _bar(){
echo 'foo::bar';
public function before(){
echo 'before any methods';
public function after(){
echo 'after any methods';
$foo = new Foo;