I have domain property of Type Byte[].
byte[] photos
byte[] video
On GSP Page I am able to upload my files in SQL DB successfully. When I view the page to see list of elements in a row, my action of controller does the job , how do I set the image source to this Byte array retrieved from DB.
I hope my question is clear.
After following the instructions, here is what I did..
def displayGraph() {
//def img = params.id // byte array
def classified = Classified.findById(params.id)
byte[] imageInByte=classified.photos.toByteArray();
response.setHeader('Content-length', imageInByte.length)
response.contentType = 'image/png' // or the appropriate image content type
response.outputStream << imageInByte
In GSP Page, here is the code.
<td><img src="${createLink(controller: 'Classified', action: 'displayGraph', params: ['id': classifiedInstance.id])}"/></td>
I am getting below error now:
2014-05-03 19:17:05,723 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver -
MissingMethodException occurred when processing request:
No signature of method: [B.toByteArray() is applicable for argument types: () values:
[]. Stacktrace follows: Message: No signature of method: [B.toByteArray() is applicable
for argument types: () values: []
Thanks all for your help. Finally I was able to solve this puzzle. Here is the code that fixed by problem:
class ImageProcessingController {
def DisplayImage() {
def classified = Classified.findById(params.id)
byte[] imageInByte=classified.photos
response.contentType = 'image/png' // or the appropriate image content type
response.outputStream << imageInByte
GSP code snippet:
<td><img height=100, width=100 src="${createLink(controller: 'ImageProcessing', action: 'DisplayImage', params: ['id': classifiedInstance.id])}"/></td>
======================================================================= What I learnt: 1. response.setHeader was throwing exception. Not sure why
response.setHeader('Content-length', imageInByte.length)
2. No need to convert byte array to Byte array using "toByteArray()"