I'm trying to write a method that should add a resource to an ResX file, the resource is added but the other resources contained in the ResX file are lost, I think that the file is replaced by a new one with only the resource that I added.
PS: I've taken the example from HERE.
What I'm doing wrong and What changes I need to do in my method to fix this?
''' <summary>
''' Adds a resource inside a ResX resource table.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ResXFile">Indicates the ResX file to add the resource.</param>
''' <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
Private Sub AddResXResource(ByVal ResXFile As String,
ByVal ResourceName As String,
ByVal Resource As Object,
Optional ByVal Comment As String = Nothing)
If Not IO.File.Exists(ResXFile) Then
Throw New Exception(String.Format("Resource file: '{0}' not found.", ResXFile))
' Open the existent ResX file.
Using ResXWritter As New Resources.ResXResourceWriter(ResXFile)
ResXWritter.AddResource(New Resources.ResXDataNode(ResourceName, Resource) _
With {.Name = ResourceName, .Comment = Comment})
End Using ' ResXWritter As New Resources.ResXResourceWriter(ResXFile)
End If ' Not IO.File.Exists(ResXFile)
End Sub
This is how I'm using the method:
Dim MyResource As Bitmap = SystemIcons.Information.ToBitmap
AddResXResource(".\Resources.resx", "SysIcon_Info", MyResource, "Resource comment")
Finally this is what I'm doing (retrieve the existent resources to copy them again in the specified file together with the new one resource), but I don't consider this a consistent solution so I would like to mark as accepted a solution that avoids the copying of the original resources
, I really suppose that one of the provided ResX Classes/methods should do that task.
The code:
' Add ResX Resource
' ( By Elektro )
' Usage Examples:
' AddResXResource(".\Resources.resx", "Bitmap Resource", SystemIcons.Information.ToBitmap, "Resource Comment")
''' <summary>
''' Adds a resource inside a ResX resource table.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ResXFile">Indicates the ResX file to add the resource.</param>
''' <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
Private Sub AddResXResource(ByVal ResXFile As String,
ByVal ResourceName As String,
ByVal Resource As Object,
Optional ByVal Comment As String = Nothing)
Dim [Resources] As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
If Not IO.File.Exists(ResXFile) Then
Throw New Exception(String.Format("Resource file: '{0}' not found.", ResXFile))
' Open the existent ResX file.
Dim ResX = New Resources.ResXResourceSet(ResXFile)
' Get the resource enumerator.
Dim ResXDictionay As IDictionaryEnumerator = ResX.GetEnumerator()
' Loop through the existing resources to copy them in the collection.
Do While ResXDictionay.MoveNext()
Resources.Add(CStr(ResXDictionay.Key), ResXDictionay.Value)
Loop ' ResXDictionay.MoveNext()
' Add the resource(s) in the ResX file.
' Note: This will replace the existent file.
Using ResXWritter As New Resources.ResXResourceWriter(ResXFile)
' Add the retrieved resources into the ResX file.
If [Resources] IsNot Nothing Then
For Each ResourceItem In [Resources]
ResXWritter.AddResource(ResourceItem.Key, ResourceItem.Value)
Next ResourceItem
End If
' Add the specified resource into the ResX file.
ResXWritter.AddResource(New Resources.ResXDataNode(ResourceName, Resource) _
With {.Name = ResourceName, .Comment = Comment})
End Using ' ResXWritter As New Resources.ResXResourceWriter(ResXFile)
End If ' Not IO.File.Exists(ResXFile)
[Resources] = Nothing
End Sub