#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct not{
int id,hw,mdt,fnl;
char name[20];
char lname[20];
int main(){
FILE *fp1,*fp2;
char a1[3]="A",a2[3]="B",a3[3]="C",a4[3]="D",a5[3]="F";
float numgrade;
char letgrade[3];
I got inf.txt
file with 10 student's ID
fp1=fopen("inf.txt","r"); fp2=fopen("outf.txt","w");
while( !feof(fp1)){
fscanf(fp1,"%d %s %s %d %d %d\n",&rec.id,rec.name,rec.lname,&rec.hw,&rec.mdt,&rec.fnl);
numgrade = (0.15)*rec.hw + (0.35)*rec.mdt + (0.5)*rec.fnl;
I got incompatible types in assignment error at if-else if part
if(numgrade>=0 && numgrade <=40) letgrade=strcat(a5,a5); else if(numgrade>=41 && numgrade<=45) letgrade=strcat(a4,a4); else if(numgrade>=46 && numgrade<=52) letgrade=strcat(a4,a3); else if(numgrade>=53 && numgrade<=60) letgrade=strcat(a3,a3); else if(numgrade>=61 && numgrade<=69) letgrade=strcat(a3,a2); else if(numgrade>=70 && numgrade<=79) letgrade=strcat(a2,a2); else if(numgrade>=80 && numgrade<=89) letgrade=strcat(a2,a1); else if(numgrade>=90) letgrade=strcat(a1,a1);
fprintf(fp2,"%d %-12s %-12s %3d %3s",rec.id,rec.name,rec.lname,numgrade,letgrade);
return 0;
I searched incompatible types in assignment error in SOF but couldnt find something useful for my code.
You declared
char letgrade[3];
as an array. In C, arrays cannot be assigned with =
operator. Pointers can be assigned, but you would need to manage memory pointed to by the pointers.
If you would like to concatenate two strings into letgrade
, use the following code:
strcpy(letgrade, a5); // Copy the first part
strcat(letgrade, a5); // Append the second part
Note that in order for the above code to work properly, the length of a5
must not exceed 1
. Otherwise, strcat
would write past the end of letgrade