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@inject does not work with stateless EJB

Hi I have a very simple example. I created a resource in javaee 7 as follows:

public class GreetingsResource {

    Sample s;

    public JsonObject greetings(){
        return Json.createObjectBuilder().add("first","1")
                .add("helloworld", s.helloWorld())

Sample is the following simple EJB:

public class Sample {
    public String helloWorld(){
        return "Hello World";

Finally the resource Application class:

public class RestConfiguration extends Application {


I can access the URL: "localhost:8081/jasonandjaxrs/resources/greetings"

The problem is that @Inject gives the following error:

1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at Injectee(requiredType=sample,parent=GreetingsResource,qualifiers={}),position=-1,optional=false

But @EJB seems to work. I am trying to understand why @Inject does not work? Thank you.


  • You can't use CDI (means @Inject) with this setup. CDI only works with beans managed by the container which is not the case for JAX-RS resource classes (your GreetingsResource).

    JAX-RS 2.0 does not support injection of EJBs into JAX-RS components (providers, resources).

    If you use @Inject in your case the injection is provided by the HK2 dependency injection framework which isn't aware of normal CDI beans. It even shouldn't work if you use @EJB, I don't know why it works, maybe this has to do with Java EE 7.

    As it works for you there should be no problem in using @EJB here, but there are also some alternative approaches in my response to this question.

    See also: