I've set up a sample page to make this rotator script work: http://twohatsconsulting.com/rotator/
The only problem is that when the page refreshes, all three DIVs appear before fading into the first DIV as it is intended.
My HTML code:
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
<div class="child">
<div class="child">
My JQuery code:
var currentItem = -1;
var direction = 1;
setInterval(switchItem, 5000);
function switchItem(){
currentItem = (currentItem+1) % ($(".parent .child").size());
// hide the visible one.
$(".parent .child:visible").fadeOut(500, function() {
//now that the hide is done, show the current one.
$(".parent .child").eq(currentItem).fadeIn(500);
The problem here is the first fadeOut takes 500 milliseconds. It's during this first half second that all elements are visible. Since you start with a currentItem of -1 you can use this to force the first change to happen immediately. For example:
function switchItem(){
var interval = currentItem == -1 ? 0 : 500;
currentItem = (currentItem+1) % ($(".parent .child").size());
// hide the visible one.
$(".parent .child:visible").fadeOut(interval , function() {
//now that the hide is done, show the current one.
$(".parent .child").eq(currentItem).fadeIn(interval);
Here's a fiddle to demonstrate how that would look