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C code doesn't work, but no errors shown

I am preparing for my Computer Science practical examination, when I hit this roadblock. The following C code is to capitalize all the words in a string taken from the user.


int main()
    char a[20];
    int i;
    printf("Enter a string: ");


        if(a[i]==' ' && isalpha(a[i+1]!=0))

    return 0;

But the above code doesn't perform the task. It takes the input, but gives the same output(the entered string, as is). Also, there are no errors or warnings shown. I am coding in Ubuntu 14.04 using gcc. I don't seem to understand as to why the code doesn't work.


  • Your error is with isalpha(a[i+1]!=0), as you should simply check isalpha(a[i+1]). The return-value of the expression a[i+1]!=0 is 1 for all the characters in the input string, except for the last one. The return-value of isalpha(1) is 0, and so the statement under the if condition will execute only for the last character, and only if that character is preceded by a space character.

    Having said that, here is a better way for you to implement the whole thing:

    for (i=1; a[i]!=0; i++)
        if (a[i-1]==' ' && isalpha(a[i]))
            a[i] = toupper(a[i]);