I've been successful in modifying the default classes and the negative class values to make sure that my ember-validations appear the way I want them to on load. Now, I'm diving into ember-validations. One of the validator routines I'm having little success with is the match: property. Here's the code from my controller:
userLoginPass: {
presence: { message: " password required" },
match: { property: { "userRegPassConfirm" } }
userRegPassConfirm: {
presence: { message: " confirm password required" },
match: { property: { "userLoginPass" } }
However, neither field barks on mis-match between them. Something is missing. Anyone had experience with this?
Here's the doc that's giving me problems: https://github.com/lcoq/ember-validations#match
Many Sincere Thanks!
Turns out the answer is a two part process which includes making sure the confirmation field is labelled whateverConfirmation in addition to the confirmation property like so:
password: {
confirmation: true,
presence: {
message: ' password required'
passwordConfirmation: {
presence: {
message: ' please confirm password'
as seen on the ember-validations documentation page: