I am using Handlebars to compile a template that returns JSON data. My issue is that I would like to create a tel
link to the phone numbers which are displayed, but the format they are being returned in is: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
I know you can register a helper to take a string of numbers and then format them, but is there any way to do the reverse(strip out any non-numeric characters/spaces)?
This is the helper which does the inverse of what I am trying to do:
Handlebars.registerHelper("formatPhoneNumber", function(phoneNumber) {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.toString();
return "(" + phoneNumber.substr(0,3) + ") " + phoneNumber.substr(3,3) + "-" + phoneNumber.substr(6,4);
Sure, you can just use a regular expression to strip out anything that's not a digit:
Handlebars.registerHelper("unformatPhoneNumber", function(phoneNumber) {
return phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g,'');