Search code examples

Is there really a way to save history of visited sites so that when user comes back(reopens app) he has the list of visited sites on back press

I am just making a simple browser with history management.


  • Perhaps you could look to an open source project like the Zirco Browser ->

    Some code like this >

             * Get a Cursor the history, e.g. records wich have a visits count > 0. Sorted by last visited date.
             * @param currentActivity The parent activity.
             * @return A Cursor to history records.
             * @see Cursor
            public Cursor getHistory(Activity currentActivity) {
                    String whereClause = Browser.BookmarkColumns.VISITS + " > 0";
                    String orderClause = Browser.BookmarkColumns.DATE + " DESC";
                    return currentActivity.managedQuery(android.provider.Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI, Browser.HISTORY_PROJECTION, whereClause, null, orderClause);

    Perhaps you could copy some code and use it for your project.