I have object Contact:
public class Contact implements Parcelable
with properties:
private List<EmailAttribute> contact_emails_attributes = new ArrayList<EmailAttribute>();
private List<PhoneAttribute> contact_phones_attributes = new ArrayList<PhoneAttribute>();
EmailAttribute and PhoneAttribute implemets Parcelable.
How to write contact's properties into parcel and read them ? I was looking for solution long time but I have found no solution how to write different parcelables into parcel. Thanks.
You can do it by using the methods Parcel.writeTypedList(List) and Parcel.readTypedList(List, Creator) like this:
Read it from the Parcel:
public Contact(Parcel in){
contact_emails_attributes = in.readTypedList(contact_emails_attributes, EmailAttribute.CREATOR);
contact_phones_attributes = in.readTypedList(contact_phones_attributes, PhoneAttribute.CREATOR);
Write it to the Parcel:
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {