I am writing an app to display bike rack stations in a city. I am pulling the coordinates from a json file and trying to convert the latitude/longitudes into screen coordinates.
The framework I am using (Qt) calculates y from top to bottom and x from left to right, so obviously I wrote conversion functions for this. The conversion functions look like this:
The minLatitude has already been calculated to be
the latitude of the southernmost rack
qreal BikeRackSystem::getY(qreal latitude)
qreal diffY = latitude - minLatitude;
return height - (diffY*height);
The minLatitude has already been calculated to be
the latitude of the southernmost rack
qreal BikeRackSystem::getX(qreal longitude)
qreal diffX = longitude - minLongitude;
return width * diffX;
However I end up with this kind of image
This is close, but not quite what I was looking for. How can I change my conversion functions to give me screen coordinates that span the whole screen?
Edit: If it is at all interesting...I am using QGraphicsEllipseItem subclasses to draw the racks on a QGraphicsScene.
I found out that my conversion function wasn't properly set up. I found the best answer here
The crucial part mentioned in the answer was:
x - min max - min
f(x) = --------- ===> f(min) = 0; f(max) = --------- = 1
max - min max - min