So, I've been looking all over. I can't find anywhere that talks about specifically how to configure Eclipse + CDT to run the gcc / gcc++ compiler.
I am running Eclipse on a windows box, but I've installed Cygwin.
[edit] I've installed Cygwin, and I've added C:\Cygwin\bin to my path environment variable. I'm now getting this error:
**** Build of configuration Default for project helloWorld ****
(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed)
I've confirmed that make is indeed not there as the message suggests. I'm confused that Cygwin installed g++ / gcc without make, but whatever. I'm installing all the rest of the development section of the available cygwin pkgs.
you need to set the PATH environment variable of windows to where is located gcc and make (C:\cygwin\bin ?). Then you can simply use a makefile to compile your application (or use the makefile generally generated by eclipse).