This Is the code i have at the moment, You can see that on re-run the text sort of jumps? Take a look you will see what I mean.
So the question: How to fix this?
$("#aboutUsText").attr("MyState", "1")
setInterval(function () {
var text = $('#aboutUsText');
if (text.attr("MyState") == "1") {
text.text('Text 1');
text.attr("MyState", "2");
} else if (text.attr("MyState") == "2") {
text.text('Text 2');
text.attr("MyState", "3");
} else {
text.text('Text 3');
text.attr("MyState", "1");
}, 3000);
<p id="aboutUsText">Hello</p>
I think I know what your going for and went ahead and wrote a quick way to do it. You can see it here
var showTime = 1000; // time before fade
var fadeOutDuration = 300;
var fadeInDuration = 500;
var textIncrementer = 1;
function AnimateText() {
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery("#aboutUsText").fadeTo(fadeOutDuration, 0, function() {
if (textIncrementer == 1) {
displayText = "Second text";
if (textIncrementer == 2) {
displayText = "Third text";
if (textIncrementer > 2) {
displayText = "Fourth+ text";
jQuery("#aboutUsText").fadeTo(fadeInDuration, 1, function(){
}, showTime);