I want to add a combo box with some elements in my JIRA work log dialog / screen. The combo box will add a String (like "[DEV] - ") in front of the work description.
It seens to be simple, but I cannot find a tutorial in the Jira documentation...
I have seen this plugin called Tempo. But I want to do this on my own. Not using others plugins.
I am think about editing the jira's JSP pages, but I realized that when I update the jira version, I will have to edit the JSP again. So, I think that the best way is to develop a plugin. But I don't know how .
In order to help other people that are trying the same as me. I will describe what I've done to add a custom field in Jira's log work...
First of all, you will need to find de JSP file that is setting the worklog page. You can add your custom field by HTML e do the work by JavaScript.
Jira uses a deprecated framework called WebWork, so the best way to customize screens is using simple HTML.
Anyway, this is an option for who do not want to use the Tempo Plugin.