I am trying to use a JSON array structure to populate a dynatree. Perhaps I need to change this structure to facilitate this? Here's the JSON I'm responding to an ajax call:
As you can see, I have an array of testSteps (0 being 001016..., 1 being 001024..., etc). The key of each is the test name. The value is another JSON array of the actual steps (Additional testing..., Order sent..., etc).
I need to get these values so that I can build a dynatree like this:
I'm running jQuery code to try to get the test names (haven't gotten to the steps after this yet):
$.get('ReportSpecimenProcessingServlet', {specimenNumber: specimenNumber}, function(responseJson) {
var testingNode = $("#tree").dynatree("getTree").selectKey("testing");
var steps = responseJson.testSteps;
//numTests += steps.length;
$.each(steps, function(data) {
title: data,
isFolder: true
When I look at the console, I see this for "steps":
[Object { 001016 - Calcium, Serum=2}, Object { 001024 - Phosphorus, Serum=[5]}, Object { 001032 - Glucose, Serum=2},...
and this is what my tree looks like:
Can anyone help me with how to get JSON array values via jQuery? I can get the Dynatree nodes if I can just get the values...
EDIT: Adding some raw JSON:
{"testSteps":[{"001016 - Calcium, Serum":["Additional testing received from LCLS at 17-APR-2014 01:40:37.356399 - status A","Order sent to DI at 17-APR-2014 01:42:00.351891 - status S"]},{"001024 - Phosphorus, Serum":["Additional testing received from LCLS at 17-APR-2014 01:40:37.652686 - status A","Order sent to DI at 17-APR-2014 01:42:00.203879 - status S","Results received from DI at 17-APR-2014 14:16:35.960787 - status P","Results sent to LCLS at 17-APR-2014 14:16:51.497767 - status W","Successful response from LCLS at 17-APR-2014 14:16:57.476592 - status I"]}
Also, I have made progress with new jQuery code:
$.each(responseJson.testSteps, function() {
$.each(this, function(k,v) {
console.log("Key " + k + ' Value ' + v);
title: k,
isFolder: true //test (steps will not be folders)
which gets me this:
Got it to work (breakthrough after this post) - hope it will help others.
I changed my jQuery code to:
$.each(responseJson.testSteps, function() {
$.each(this, function(k,v) {
console.log("Key " + k + ' Value ' + v);
var testNode = testingNode.addChild({
title: k,
isFolder: true //test (steps will not be folders)
$.each(v, function(key,val) {
title: val
which got me this:
Thanks to those who had comments - I appreciate the quick help.