This is my class:
public class Play extends BasicGameState{
public int state;
private Input in;
private int rh = 100, rw = 10;//racket - Width , Height
private boolean left;//trye if the ball is going left
Ball b;//the ball
Guy p1,p2;//the players
public Play(int state)
this.state = state;
public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg)
throws SlickException
b = new Ball();
b.w = 20;
b.h = 20;
b.x = 800 / 2 - (b.w / 2);
b.y = 600 / 2 - (b.h / 2);
p1 = new Guy();
p2 = new Guy();
p1.x = 10;
p2.x = 780;//idk why 790 did not work
p1.y = 600 / 2 - (rh / 2);
p2.y = p1.y;
left = true;
b.ny = 0;
public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g)
throws SlickException
{//just render
g.fillRect(p1.x, p1.y, rw, rh);
g.fillRect(p2.x, p2.y, rw, rh);
g.fillRect(b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
//g.drawImage(Resources.racket, p1.x, p1.y);
//g.drawImage(Resources.racket, p2.x, p2.y);
//g.drawImage(b.i , b.x , b.y);
public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)
throws SlickException
in = gc.getInput();//update input
{//update racket coordinates if keys are down
p1.y += delta * .1f;
p1.y += delta * .1f;
p2.y -= delta * .1f;
p2.y += delta * .1f;
{//collision detection (including setting angle to the ball if it doesnt hit the exact center of the racket)
if(b.x <= p1.x + rw && b.y <= p1.y + rh && b.y >= p1.y)
if(b.y + b.h == p1.x + (rh / 2))
b.ny = 0;
else if(b.y + b.h < p1.x + (rh / 2))
int d = p1.y + (rh / 2) - b.y;
b.ny = - d / 500;
else if(b.y + b.h > p1.x + (rh / 2))
int d = p1.y + rh - b.y;
b.ny = d / 500;
left = false;
if(b.x >= p2.x + rw && b.y <= p2.y + rh && b.y >= p2.y)
if(b.y + b.h == p2.x + (rh / 2))
b.ny = 0;
else if(b.y + b.h < p2.x + (rh / 2))
int d = p2.y + (rh / 2) - b.y;
b.ny = - d / 500;
else if(b.y + b.h > p2.x + (rh / 2))
int d = p2.y + rh - b.y;
b.ny = d / 500;
left = true;
{//set the images
b.i = Resources.ball_move_left;
b.i = Resources.ball_move_right;
if(b.y <= 0 || b.y >= 600)
{//add "walls" on floor and ceiling
b.ny = - b.ny;
{//update ball X coordinate
b.x -= delta * .1f;
b.x += delta * .1f;
b.y += b.ny * delta * .1f;//update ball Y coordinate
public int getID()
return state;
private void debug()
System.out.println("P1 : X:" + p1.x + " Y:" + p1.y);
System.out.println("P2 : X:" + p2.x + " Y:" + p2.y);
System.out.println("BALL : X:" + b.x + " Y:" + b.y);
For some weird reason I cant move the rackets up having a Y less than 0 and I also cant move them down at ALL. Here is the other classes (Ball - Guy)
public class Guy {
public int x,y;
public class Ball {
public int x,y,w,h,ny;
public Image i;
The ball also stops upon touching the left racket. It does not go back. There seems to be an issue with the x+= ... lines of code. I added debug messages , the messages print but the coordinates dont get an update! I believe there is some bug with the whole code - working on it a whole day , did not find any errors :/
The problem is potentially in lines like:
b.x += delta * .1f;
Where you are taking a float and adding/subtracting it from an integer. It is possible that the Java engine performs a cast on the float data to turn it into an integer, which will loose data, and could cause the program to be non-responsive.
Additionally, you may want to move some of that procedural code that you have duplicated many times into the classes to improve the Object Oriented nature of this program.