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is there a var_dump like function in clojure?

I like printf debugging, is there a function in clojure that works like php's var_dump that prints anything it gets?

I'm trying to parse html with jsoup and I'd like to see what I'm doing by printing it as a ring response, in the REPL I see the response as the html file I tried to load, in the browser I see nothing and the terminal show an error: java.lang.Exception: Unrecognized body.


  • To print to a string, use pr-str. Or use println to print to the REPL.

    (pr-str {:a 1}) ;=> "{:a 1}"
    (println {:a 1}) ;=> nil  
    ***REPL contains output***

    If you want more options and pretty printing, you could try clojure.pprint or fipp

    (require '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]])
    (pprint {:a 1}); => nil 
    ***You can't see it but REPL now contains beautifully formatted output***