I imagine I'm missing something in yuidoc documentation or misunderstanding usage. I cannot seem to find a way to include a link to an external site/page in my documentation.
In a comment block, I'd like to have something like this:
* Creates a blah-blah for blah-blahing blah.
* @constructor
* @param {object} blah
* Follow recommendations at:
* @link <a href="http://blah.com/boop">Boop</a>
According the document says:
YUIDoc supports 3 main forms of formatting your documentation. HTML, Markdown & Selleck.
So you can use HTML or Markdown like this:
* Creates a blah-blah for blah-blahing blah.
* @constructor
* @param {object} blah
* Follow recommendations at:
* <a href="http://blah.com/boop">Boop</a>
* Or
* [Boop](http://blah.com/boop)