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Mailgun API call "Mailing list member not found"

I get the "Mailing list member not found" when I call a DELETE, I then tested a PUT, to try an update the subscription setting, and I get the same message.

But when I try to add someone with a POST to the list with the same email address I get a "Address already exists" message....using same API, and structure:

Public Function RemoveMember(ListEmail As String, EmailAddress As String) As RestResponse
    Dim client As New RestClient()
    client.BaseUrl = ""
    client.Authenticator = New HttpBasicAuthenticator("api", MailGunAPI)
    Dim request As New RestRequest()
    request.Resource = "lists/{list}/members/{member}"
    request.AddParameter("list", ListEmail, ParameterType.UrlSegment)
    request.AddParameter("member", EmailAddress)
    request.Method = Method.DELETE
    Return client.Execute(request)
End Function


  • On the member parameter the parameter type needs to be specified as UrlSegment:

    request.AddParameter("member", EmailAddress, ParameterType.UrlSegment)