I have some data with parent items, along with sub items for each parent. I'm trying to render the count of sub items for each parent, and if a sub item gets removed, the count gets updated.
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS({
items: [
{title: 'red', subItems: [ {subTitle: '1'}, {subTitle: '2'} ] },
{title: 'blue', subItems: []},
{title: 'green', subItems: []}
viewModel.countSubItems = function(itemIndex) {
return viewModel.items()[itemIndex].subItems().length;
<!-- ko foreach: items -->
<span data-bind="text: title"></span> has <span data-bind="text: viewModel.countSubItems($index)"></span> sub items
<!-- /ko -->
I'm getting something to the effect of viewModel.items(itemIndex) is undefined. Do I need to combine a function with a computable somehow? Live example (editable) here: http://jsbin.com/bonez/1/edit
You will need to wrap your ko.computed into a function and pass that function the itemIndex
viewModel.countSubItems = function(itemIndex)
return ko.computed(function(){
return viewModel.items()[itemIndex()].subItems().length;