As mentioned in
The ${} is not xss safe in struts 2 while it is safe in tapestry 5.
I am not a Tapestry guy, but I want to know if above is correct.
As far as I know the ${}
is part of JSLT and it does not depend on any web frameworks. So if above sentence is correct and the ${}
is XSS safe in tapestry, how can we make it safe in struts 2.
To test it I run struts2-showcase app, opened modelDriven\modelDrivenResult.jsp
and add below line:
Am I safe ${name}
Now when you run the show case and enter <script> alert('xxxx') </script>
as gangester name you can see the alert!
<s:property value="name" />
is automatically escaped by default;<c:out value="${name}" />
is automatically escaped by default;${name}
is NOT escaped.You can explicitly escape it with ${fn:escapeXml(name)}
, or set the escape to be performed by default creating a custom ELResolver as described in this great article: