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Message Queue Listener and RESTful integration

My project publishes RESTful/SOAP services. One of these sends messages to a JMS queue on a Websphere application server. The application runs on the same application server. What I need is to define a listener to this queue. How can I activate this listener without a direct call from the service?

The project structure looks like this:


The user calls methods on the service, which calls the EJB component, so I dont have any main method where I can init the listener.

I need a solution which activates a permanent listener to the queue.

I already have the source code I just don't know how to initialize the listener.


  • WebSphere MDB with a lot of configuration it works!!!! But look at this:

                    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destination",     propertyValue="myDestination"),
                    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destinationType", propertyValue="javax.jms.Queue")
    public class MsgBean implements javax.jms.MessageListener {
      public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) {
          String receivedMsg = ((TextMessage) msg).getText();
          System.out.println("Received message: " + receivedMsg);