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Drilldown and title update in Highcharts pie

I'm working on an Highchart pie. When I click on a slice I'd like to have a drilldown and to update my chart's title.

My drilldown is working fine. So is my method to update the title.

However when I try to update and to drilldown on the same click it doesn't work because the drilldown seems to occur before I can catch my clicked point value.

Here is a JSFiddle to illustrate my point.

Here's is my js code:

$(function () {
        status_ = [['Ouverts', 896],['En cours',8],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 3],['En cours',65],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 427],['En cours',193],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 48],['En cours',41],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 2],['En cours',0],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 38],['En cours',42],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 244],['En cours',123],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 5],['En cours',222],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 441],['En cours',0],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 259],['En cours',2],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 16],['En cours',2],['Résolus - Clôs',0],['Ouverts', 6],['En cours',0],['Résolus - Clôs',0]];
        var browserData = [];
        var drillDownSerie = [];

        for (var i = 0; i <18 ; i++) {

            // add browser data
                name: i,
                y: i
                //if you uncomment here the drilldown works but not the title update
                //,drilldown: i

                id: i,
                data: [status_[3 * i],
                status_[3 * i + 1],
                status_[3 * i + 2]

            chart: {
                type: 'pie'
            title: {
                text: 'Répartition des 3000 derniers tickets'
            plotOptions: {
                series: {
                    dataLabels: {
                        enabled: true,
                        format: '{}: {point.y}'
                            click: function(){

            tooltip: {
                headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:11px">{}</span><br>',
                pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.y}</b> of total<br/>'
            credits : {enabled : false},
            series: [{
                name: 'Département',
                colorByPoint: true,                                     
                data: browserData
            drilldown: {
                series: drillDownSerie
        var chart =  $('#summary').highcharts();

        function UpdateTitle(argument1) {
        text: argument1



  • Why to use click event? Use drilldown and drillup, see: