How can I get data-bind
string or DOM nodes which an observable is bound to? I'm using knockout.validation.js on my web page and one of my default validations (required
) is getting fired. I'd like to find out which one is it being inside for example validateSync
@ knockout.validation.js
After a while I came with something like this:
function getPath(source, propertyName /*, value, result, noDescend */) {
var result = arguments[3] || {};
var valueToFind = arguments[2];
var noDescend = arguments[4];
function merge(dst, name, src) {
var result = {};
result[name] = src;
return $.extend(true, dst, result);
for (var p in source) {
var value = source[p];
if (p == propertyName) {
if (!valueToFind || source[p]==valueToFind) {
result[p] = source[p];
else {
if (!noDescend && (typeof value == 'object' || typeof value == 'function')) {
if (ko.isObservable(value)) {
var r = getPath(value, propertyName, valueToFind, result[p], true);
if (Object.keys(r).length > 0) merge(result, p, r);
var r = getPath(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value), propertyName, valueToFind, result[p]);
if (Object.keys(r).length > 0) merge(result, p, r);
return result;
This function will give you an object which only contains properties (despite its nesting level) on name propertyName
. The object being searched is source
. The solution is based on the fact, that an observable has field _id
when it gets bound. Here's a use case where this function is helpful.
In a non-trivial form with fields bound to a non-trivial view model one of the fields breaks validation.
After placing a breakpoint inside true-path of if
statement in function validateSync
in knockout.validation.js
, check obeservable's ID by calling:
Call the following command to get all the fields which breaks validation:
If anyone finds a better solution, please share it with me.