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IBM Worklight - Adapter Javascript fails

I am trying to display JSON data on a list but my javascript code gets stuck in the middle of wlCommonInit() function.

function wlCommonInit(){
        WL.Logger.debug("inside the wlcommoninit");
        busyIndicator = new WL.BusyIndicator('AppBody');
        var $list = $("ul#myList");
        $list.append('<li> ' + "resrere" + 


        $list.append('<li> ' + "resrere" + 

    function getData() {
        WL.App.overrideBackButton (function(){WL.App.close();});
    var invocationData = {
            adapter : 'StudentInfo',
            procedure : 'getStudentInfos'


        onSuccess : loadFeedsSuccess,
        onFailure : getDataFailure,


    function loadFeedsSuccess(result){
        if (!result || !result.invocationResult || !result.invocationResult.items || result.invocationResult.items.length == 0)
            alert("Could not retrieve feeds");  

        feeds = result.invocationResult.items;
        for (var i=0; i<feeds.length; i++){
            var dataItem = feeds[i];
            var listItem = $("<li>" + dataItem.question + "</li>");


In this code, it sticks at getData(); it displays the first "resrere" but it does not display second "resrere". I can not find the problem, so I can not create any solution. Thanks for your help.


  • items should be resultSet.
    Tested locally and verified to work after the below changes.

    Change this:

    if (!result || !result.invocationResult || !result.invocationResult.items || result.invocationResult.items.length == 0)

    To This:

    if (!result || !result.invocationResult || !result.invocationResult.resultSet || result.invocationResult.resultSet.length == 0)

    And this:

    feeds = result.invocationResult.items;

    To this:

    feeds = result.invocationResult.resultSet;