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In-fix Expression Evaluation - NoSuchElementFound Exception

My assignment is to evaluate expressions read in from a file, such as (4-7)/2+6<3*(1-9).

< and > mean minimum and maximum, respectively, and have a higher precedence than / and *.

However, I am getting a NoSuchElementFound exception when attempting to evaluate an expression, pointing towards the stack I return at the end of the evaluate method. I'm assuming this means the stack is empty. I am having trouble seeing where the issue is. Here is my evaluate code. For what it matters, I have implemented my own stack classes (both strings) and am not using generics.

 * Evaluates the expression and updates textArea appropriately
private String evaluateLine()
    char token;
    String[] tokens = new String[expression[0].length()];
    for(int i = 0; i < expression[0].length(); i++)
         token = expression[0].charAt(i);
         tokens[i] = String.valueOf(token);

    OperatorStack operators = new OperatorStack();
    IntegerStack integers = new IntegerStack();

    for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++)
        else if(tokens[i] == "(")
        else if(tokens[i] == ")")
            while( != "(")
                integers.push(applyOp(operators.pop(), integers.pop(), integers.pop()));
        else if(tokens[i] == "+" || tokens[i] == "-" || tokens[i] == "*" || tokens[i] == "/" 
                || tokens[i] == "<" || tokens[i] == ">")
            while(!operators.isEmpty() && hasPrecedence(tokens[i],,
                integers.push(applyOp(operators.pop(), integers.pop(), integers.pop()));

        integers.push(applyOp(operators.pop(), integers.pop(), integers.pop()));

    return integers.pop();

public static boolean hasPrecedence(String op1, String op2, String op3)

    if(op2 == "(" || op2 == ")")
        return false;

    if((op1 == "<" || op1 == ">") && (op2 == "*" || op2 == "/") && (op3 == "+" || op3 == "-"))
        return false;
        return true;

public static String applyOp(String op, String b, String a)
    switch (op)
    case "+":
        return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(a) + Integer.parseInt(b));
    case "-":
        return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(a) - Integer.parseInt(b));
    case "*":
        return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(a) * Integer.parseInt(b));
    case "/":
        if(Integer.parseInt(b) == 0)
            throw new
            UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot divide by 0");
        return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(a) / Integer.parseInt(b));
    case "<":
        if(Integer.parseInt(a) < Integer.parseInt(b))
            return b;
        else if(Integer.parseInt(b) < Integer.parseInt(a))
            return a;
    case ">":
        if(Integer.parseInt(a) > Integer.parseInt(b))
            return a;
        else if(Integer.parseInt(b) > Integer.parseInt(a))
            return b;

    return Integer.toString(0);


public boolean isInteger(String str)
    return str.matches("0123456789");


  • Hard to find the exact problem because you do not include enough code to get your example to compile but one thing I notice is that your isInteger method does not work. When I ran the input into your method it produced an empty stack for the integers. Use this instead:

    public boolean isInteger(String str) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            return false;

    Alternatively I think you were attempting to use a Regex for determining if the string contains an integer. For that you would need to do this:

    public boolean isInteger(String str) {
        return str.matches("[0-9]+");

    With either of these implementations of isInteger I was able to get your code to run when I replace your stack with Stack<String> collections. Hope that helps.