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Master / Detail Functionality in kogrid

I want to implement Master / Detail Functionality in kogrid. So that when I select any field of first grid table all the other details will be shown in next detail grid. Can anybody have any hint how to implement this.


  • A create a master/detail grid set you need to use a ko.computed to select/filter the detail.

    You need 3 observable arrays and 1 computed.

    var model = {
      parent: ko.observableArray(),
      details: ko.observableArray(),
      selectedParents: ko.observableArray()
    model.selectedDetails = ko.computed( function() {
      var selectedParent = this.selectedParents()[0];
      if ( !selectedParent ) {
        return [];
      return this.details().filter( function(item) {
        // define filter comparison here
      } );
    }, model );

    In your markup, define 2 koGrids

    <div data-bind="koGrid: { 
      data: parent, 
      multiSelect: false, 
      selectedItems: selectParents }"></div>
    <div data-bind="koGrid: { data: selectedDetails } "></div>

    koGrid will populate the selectedItems observableArray with Zero or One item. The computed will execute a filter over the children which the second grid is bound to.

    I have omitted the columnDef data bind part from breivity.

    If you have an AJAX query to run for the details array, then use a subscription against the "parent" observable, change selectDetails to a straight observableArray and set its contents in the AJAX callback

    See this jsFiddle for a basic example