I have an SparseMultigraph< Node, Edge > g where edges have two attributes:
int weight;
ArrayList<Date> time;
I would like to filter the graph according to weight and time independently. Say I start filtering out according to weight using a JSlider called weightSlider (I am in Netbeans and Swing):
private void weightSliderMouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// filter network according to weight:
Predicate<Edge> edgeAboveWeight = new Predicate<Edge>() {
public boolean evaluate(Edge e) {
return e.getWeight() >= weightSlider.getValue();
EdgePredicateFilter<Node, Edge> edgePredicateFilter = new EdgePredicateFilter<>(edgeAboveWeight);
Graph<Node, Edge> transform = edgePredicateFilter.transform(g);
My question is: how do I push the new graph in the visualization, preserving the node position?
Since it is the first time I attempt to do something like that, I might have missed a simpler way to achieve my goal, so any suggestion is more than welcome!
EDIT: I succeeded to implement this with:
private void weightSliderMouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// filter network according to weight:
Predicate<Edge> edgeAboveWeight = new Predicate<Edge>() {
public boolean evaluate(Edge e) {
return e.getWeight() >= weightSlider.getValue();
EdgePredicateFilter<Node, Edge> edgePredicateFilter = new EdgePredicateFilter<>(edgeAboveWeight);
Graph<Node, Edge> transform = edgePredicateFilter.transform(g);
Still don't know if it's the most efficient way, but it works...
If you want to filter the actual data, then what you're doing is fine.
If what you want to do is just filter the edges whose weight is below a certain value from being rendered, then you can tell the PluggableRendererContext that directly:
This is demonstrated in PluggableRendererDemo.