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JqxGrid programmatic edit mode resets grid contents

I want to allow inline edit in a JqxGrid (JQWidgets v3.2.2), using my own buttons to switch to and from edit mode.

I figured i'd achieve this by setting these options in the constructor of my jqxgrid:

editable: true,
editmode: 'programmatic'

However when i do this:

  • cells still switch to edit mode on reponse to click events
  • calls to beginrowedit on the grid results in all editable cells contents being cleared and only one cell switching to edit mode.

Here's a fiddle illustrating this issue:

Does anyone know how to fix this?



  • As far as I know to edit a row, the editmode should be editmode: 'selectedrow' Mixing programmatic edit with row editing seems to be not yet supported.