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Org-mode from git, problems with tables

Recently I downloaded the git version of org-mode in order to use markdown export. It seems to be working, unless I have a table. When I have a table in the file I always got the next message:

Symbol's function definition is void: org-table-begin

I also get that message when I want to use the table, like the tab key to navigate or whatsoever.

My configuration is pretty simple:

;; put in the load-path the org-mode directory
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp/org-mode/lisp")
;; Activating the markdown export mode
(eval-after-load "org"
    '(require 'ox-md nil t)

Do you have any idea? I have the latest version of the git repository master.


  • Silly answer for a silly question. I was using the org-mode repositories. I git pull the sources but I forgot to run make in order to generate the files. I just did make and that solved my problem.