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How do I write a Grammar for post-increment/decrement operators in YACC?

%type <string> Id
%type <ExprRes> Factor
%type <ExprRes> Term
%type <ExprRes> Expr
%type <InstrSeq> StmtSeq
%type <InstrSeq> Stmt
%type <BExprRes> BExpr
%type <ExprRes> Primary

%token Ident        
%token IntLit   
%token Int
%token Write
%token IF
%token EQ
%token GTE
%token LTE
%token UM
%token UP   


Prog            :   Declarations StmtSeq                                {Finish($2); } ;
Declarations    :   Dec Declarations                                    { };
Declarations    :                                                       { };
Dec             :   Int Ident {EnterName(table, yytext, &entry); }';'   { };
StmtSeq         :   Stmt StmtSeq                                        { $$ = AppendSeq($1, $2); } ;
StmtSeq         :                                                       { $$ = NULL;} ;
Stmt            :   Write Expr ';'                                      { $$ = doPrint($2); };
Stmt            :   Id '=' Expr ';'                                     { $$ = doAssign($1, $3);} ;
Stmt            :   IF '(' BExpr ')' '{' StmtSeq '}'                    { $$ = doIf($3, $6);};
BExpr           :   Expr EQ Expr                                        { $$ = doBExpr($1, $3);};
Expr            :   Expr '+' Term                                       { $$ = doAdd($1, $3); } ;
Expr            :   Expr '-' Term                                       { $$ = doMinus($1, $3); };
Expr            :   Term                                                { $$ = $1; } ;
Term            :   Term '*' Factor                                     { $$ = doMult($1, $3); } ;
Term            :   Term '/' Factor                                     { $$ = doDiv($1, $3); } ;
Term            :   Factor                                              { $$ = $1; } ;
Factor          :   Primary                                             { $$ = $1;};
Primary         :   '-'Primary                                              { $$ = doUnaryMinus($1);};

Primary         :   IntLit                                              { $$ = doIntLit(yytext); };
Primary         :   Ident                                               { $$ = doRval(yytext); };
Id              :   Ident                                               { $$ = strdup(yytext);}

this is my yacc grammar. i am trying to get a unary minus to work. x-- for example.

however when I try to run it on my test file

int num1;    
int num2;  
int num3;   
int num4;

num3 = 100;    
num4 = 200;   
num3 = num4 / num3;  
num1 = 1;   
num1 = num3-num1;  

print num3;   
print num4;   
print num1;

I get a yyerror at the line num1--;

yyerror is incredibly vague in any details I can find about it. I can only find that it is called when it encounters an error in input. I dont know whether that error comes from my misunderstanding of how I am supposed to write my grammar, or what. I have a program that points to the illegal character and it says that the issue is coming from the first '-' symbol in the line. I would like any ideas on where to look to find my answer or if you see an error.

this is my lex file:

#include "yaccExample.h"
#include ""

#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
    { int c = GetSourceChar(); \
          result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \


letter [A-Za-z]
digit [0-9]

if                              {return IF;}
int                             {return Int;}
print                           {return Write;}
{letter}({letter}|{digit})*     {return Ident;}
{digit}{digit}*                 {return IntLit;}
\=\=                            {return EQ;}
\-\-                            {return UM;}
\+\+                            {return UP;}
\>\=                            {return GTE;}
\<\=                            {return LTE;}
\=                              {return '=';}
\+                              {return '+';}
\*                              {return '*';}
\;                              {return ';';}
\{                              {return '{';}
\}                              {return '}';}
\(                              {return '(';}
\)                              {return ')';}

[ ]                             {}
\t                              {}
\r                              {}
\n                              {}

.               {WriteIndicator(GetCurrentColumn());
                   WriteMessage("Illegal Character in lex");}


yywrap () {


  • The problem is a misunderstanding of terminology. Unary minus means a minus sign alone preceding a primary, as per your grammar.

    Primary         :   '-'Primary 

    The correct test code for your grammar looks like this. It should compile correctly.

    num1 = -99;  
    num1 = -num3;
    num1 = -(num3-num1);  

    The operator '--' is called decrement and does not appear in your grammar. If you need to compile a decrement operator, you will have to add it to your grammar.