I have a program written in C++ using MFC. It has a ribbon UI, Office style.
I would like to achieve the following - Suppose the user has highlighted category A of the ribbon, and clicks a button in that category, I would like my program to switch to category B and highlight it for him in response to that click.
This might sound strange, but I really have a use case where the user might not realize that he needs to switch categories, so I would like to do it for him automatically.
Can this be done?
Perhaps you're looking for CMFCRibbonBar::SetActiveCategory
There is a similar question on CodeProject that includes a sample function for programmatically selecting a category by name. Reproduced below for information:
int CYourClassName::ActivateCategoryByName( CString strCategoryName)
// Grab Pointer to MainFrame
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = ( CMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd();
// Grab Pointer to RibbonBar
CMFCRibbonBar* pmrb = &pMainFrame->m_wndRibbonBar;
// Get Category Count
int nCategoryCount = pmrb->GetCategoryCount();
// Scan Category
for ( int nCategoryNdx = 0; nCategoryNdx < nCategoryCount; nCategoryNdx++)
// Grab Pointer to Category
CMFCRibbonCategory* pmrc = pmrb->GetCategory( nCategoryNdx);
// Get Category Name
CString strName = pmrc->GetName();
// Check for Requested Category
if ( strName == strCategoryName)
pmrb->ShowCategory( nCategoryNdx, TRUE);
pmrb->SetActiveCategory( pmrc, TRUE);
return nCategoryNdx;
return -1;