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Bug in compiler or am I doing something wrong?

First, some environment: this is Oracle's 1.6.0_45 JDK, and IDEA 13.1.

I have stumbled upon a most bizarre compiler error:

public final class AsmFunnels
    private AsmFunnels()

    // ...

    public static void funnelFieldNode(final FieldNode node,
        final PrimitiveSink into)
        FieldNodeFunnel.INSTANCE.funnel(node, into);

    // ...

    private enum FieldNodeFunnel
        implements Funnel<FieldNode>
            public void funnel(final FieldNode from, final PrimitiveSink into)



Funnel and PrimitiveSink are from Guava; as to FieldNode, it is from ASM 5.0.1 (org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode).

Note that I use IDEA (13.1 if that matters at all). Now, at first, I had one method defined like this:

public static void funnelFieldNode(final FieldNode node,
    final PrimitiveSink into)
    FieldNodeFunnel.INSTANCE.funnel(node, into);

IDEA show no warnings... But the compiler is not happy:

Error:(53, 33) java: /home/fge/src/perso/parboiled1/grappa/src/main/java/org/parboiled/transform/process/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method funnel(org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode,
location: class org.parboiled.transform.process.AsmFunnels.FieldNodeFunnel

Line 53 is this one:

    FieldNodeFunnel.INSTANCE.funnel(node, into);

That is most bizarre, I don't see why. And then I did this:

private static Funnel<FieldNode> fieldNodeFunnel()
    return FieldNodeFunnel.INSTANCE;

public static void funnelFieldNode(final FieldNode node,
    final PrimitiveSink into)
    fieldNodeFunnel().funnel(node, into);

And with this, it compiles!

What is happening here? Who is right? IDEA or javac?


I tried this, and it compiles:

((Funnel<FieldNode>) FieldNodeFunnel.INSTANCE).funnel(node, into);

But why do I need the cast at all?

I also tried to use a "regular singleton" like this and it also works:

private static final class FieldNodeFunnel
    implements Funnel<FieldNode>
    private static final Funnel<FieldNode> INSTANCE
        = new FieldNodeFunnel();

    public void funnel(final FieldNode from, final PrimitiveSink into)


  • It seems like a duplicate item - Enum class member with interface cannot find methods internally.

    There was probably a bug in JDK-6 - see:

    1. Inconsistent compilation results for enum implementing an interface

    2. Incorrect method resolution for enum classes entered as source files