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JPQL query using WHERE column = int

I'm new to using JPQL/JPA and I somehow can't get this working:

public List<Bil> hentBiler(int kontor) {
List<Bil> biler = new ArrayList<Bil>(); 
TypedQuery<Bil> query = em.createQuery("SELECT o FROM Bil o WHERE o.kontornr = ?1", Bil.class);
query.setParameter(1, kontor);

The kontornr column in the database is an integer.

The error i recieve is this:

Exception Description: Problem compiling [SELECT o FROM Bil o WHERE o.kontornr = ?1]. 
[26, 36] The state field path 'o.kontornr' cannot be resolved to a valid type.

public class Bil {
private String regNr;
private String merke;           
private String modell;          
private String farge;           
private char gruppe;            
private boolean ledig;          
private int kontorNr;


  • The field is declared as

    private int kontorNr;

    The query is

    SELECT o FROM Bil o WHERE o.kontornr = ?1

    Java is case sensitive. kontronr != kontorNr.