I would like Cut() to follow the dateRange object that I defined below which starts on Sunday. It appears that the cut function starts on Saturday but I need it to start on Sunday
startDate = "2011-07-03"; endDate = "2011-8-07" ## starts on Sunday and ends on Sunday
dateRange <- seq(as.Date(startDate), to = as.Date(endDate), by = "day") ## This step is okay
cut(dateRange, "weeks", ordered_result = TRUE) ## This I think where the problem is, it starts on the previous Saturday
Please let me know how I can have the output of the cut() provides the same number of bins as the test object DateRange.
Here is how I use the cut() function
dataSet <- runif(length(dateRange))
weeklyList <- split(dataSet, cut(dateRange, "weeks", ordered_result = TRUE)) ## This is how I use the cut() to bin my data.
Your technical expertise is greatly appreciated.
As Frank says, the cut function is beginning on Monday, not Saturday. You can change this by using the start.on.monday option to cut
> weeklyList <- split(dataSet, cut(dateRange, "weeks", ordered_result = TRUE, start.on.monday = FALSE))
> weeklyList
[1] 0.8208915 0.3073812 0.7427008 0.6856026 0.7733733 0.6258881 0.5222145
[1] 0.10739317 0.43350298 0.17186167 0.90407228 0.95883564 0.60972446 0.08929786
[1] 0.61130816 0.06738358 0.71603027 0.51067438 0.32632549 0.52515075 0.92037779
[1] 0.1391482 0.4253714 0.2754398 0.5745825 0.8776789 0.2088506 0.9773318
[1] 0.58218481 0.05610510 0.05400599 0.75924478 0.98367785 0.42556051 0.77251544
[1] 0.5907571