I've got a GUI in MATLAB which uses uitables for input. There are a fixed number columns, and each column has a very specific format which I have stored as a cell array, like so:
columnformat = {'text', 'numeric', {@doSomething, inputArg1}, {'Option1' 'Option2'}};
The number of rows is theoretically unlimited; the user could provide as many they like. The back-end is capable of handling arbitrarily many row inputs. Right now, I'm building a large uitable initially, and just assuming the user won't use it all.
Here's the question: I want to set up the table and associated code such that any time the user has selected the final row and presses enter, it creates a new row with the same format as the rest of the table.
I've tried many different approaches, including dynamically setting 'Data', and they all seem to break the custom formatting dictated by the cell array. I'm sure someone has done this before. Thanks for your help!
I couldn't think of a possibility to achieve what you want with a certain key, I think it would be possible with any key (KeyPressFcn
). But I'd rather recommend to introduce a toolbar with a pushbutton:
h = figure(...
u = uitable(h, ...
tbar = uitoolbar(h);
In your callback function then you need to get your data, add a row and write it back:
function addRow(~,~)
u = findobj(0,'Type','uitable','Tag','myTable');
data = get(u,'Data');
%// modify your data, add a row ...
Sorry if everything is a little simple and untested, but a good answer would require a considerable effort, I don't have time for. The tag matlab-uitable can give you a lot of further ideas.